Solar Domestic/Commercial Lighting
On Grid
While the technology behind solar energy may seem complex, when broken down, how solar power works is easy to understand – particularly in a grid connected scenario as it only requires a few components installed in your home or business.

⇨ The sun shines on the solar panels generating DC electricity
⇨ The DC electricity is fed into a solar inverter that converts it to 240V 50Hz AC electricity.
⇨ The 240V AC electricity is used to power appliances in your home.
⇨ Surplus electricity is fed back into the main grid.
Whenever the sun shines (and even in overcast weather), the solar cells generate electricity. The grid connected inverter converts the DC electricity produced by the solar panels into 240V AC electricity, which can then be used by the property/household.
Whenever the sun shines (and even in overcast weather), the solar cells generate electricity. The grid connected inverter converts the DC electricity produced by the solar panels into 240V AC electricity, which can then be used by the property/household.
If a grid connect system is producing more power than is being consumed, the surplus is fed into the mains power grid. The Government will meter the electricity fed into the grid by your system and provide a credit on your bill.
When the solar cells are not producing power, for example at night, your power is supplied by the mains power grid as usual. The energy retailer charges the usual rate for the power used.
As all of the components in a grid connect system have no moving parts, you can expect a long and hassle free life from your solar power system! Generous government renewable energy rebates mean you can also save thousands on a grid connect system for a limited time!