welcome to Shauri Solar India PVT LTD.
We, Shauri Solar are considered as the reputed manufacturer, supplier and service provider of a wide assortment of Solar Electricity Solution, Solar Lighting Solutions and Solar Thermal Solutions. We provide Solar PV Modules, EPC Utility Grids, KW Rooftop Solutions, Solar Water Pumps, Solar Thermal and portable kits etc right from analysis to complete Implementation.

Telecommunication and Radio Relay Stations, Telemetry systems, Defence and Offshore Devices, Signage and Outdoor Media, Standalone Systems for Homes not connected to Grid, Power packs for Telemetry Stations, Billboard Lighting, Portable Mobile Phone Chargers, Street & Outdoor Lighting, Home & Indoor Lighting, Community Lighting, Solar Lanterns: LED, CFL, Standalone Power Packs,

Our main objective in the EPC space is to provide top end quality services, from the initial conceptualization design stage to the installation commissioning stage, we deploy, world class solar technology to deliver affordable solar power.Shauri designs, builds and commissions with utmost sophistication and provides real time operational support & maintenance

A solar cell Photo-Voltaic(PV) cell, is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the PV effect. It is a form of photoelectric cell, defined as a device whose electrical characteristics, such as current, voltage, or resistance, vary when exposed to light. Solar cells are the building blocks of PV modules, otherwise known as solar panels.

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EPC - MW Solar Power Plants

We are blessed with Solar Energy in abundance at no cost. The solar radiation incident on the surface of the earth can be conveniently utilized for the benefit of human society.
Solar Water Pump VFD Drives/ Hybrid Inverters With MPPT

Solar street lights are raised light sources which are powered by photovoltaic panels generally mounted on the lighting structure. The photovoltaic panels charge a rechargeable battery.

The Security Power Fence System (SPF) is designed with cyclic wave technology of high voltage deterrent system which would deter, detect, and deny physical intrusion by giving the intruder